Qilimanjaro wins Senén Vilaró award 2021 for the most innovative spinoff company

Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech won the Senén Vilaró award for the most innovative spinoff company of 2021 from the Board of Trustees of the University of Barcelona and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation 2021.

The award was presented in person on the 1st of December during an award ceremony held at the Historic Building of the University of Barcelona, and chaired by the Rector and the President of the Board of Trustees.

This is the second distinction Qilimanjaro is awarded in 2021, alongside the Exponential Leader 2021 award offered by Acció-Agency for the Competitiveness of Companies in Catalonia- during the Exponential Day in September 2021.

Identified as the first quantum computing startup established in Spain, Qilimanjaro is offering practical applications of quantum computing in a shorter time than 2029 using a new paradigm: adiabatic quantum computing.

There are two main goals that Qilimanjaro is embracing and define this company as a Quantum maverick and consequentially the winner of the Senén Vilaró award:

Developing a competitive and open quantum computer

Contributing to creating a quantum ecosystem of excellence

Follow Qilimanjaro steps leaving a mark in the technological landscape with a strong tendency towards technology transfer to society, a value upheld by the University of Barcelona and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation.

Read more about the Board of Trustees of the University of Barcelona and Bosch i Gimpera Awards here and watch a video summary (in catalan) of the award ceremony and where the winners explain their projects.

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