Qilimanjaro at the 4YFN – MWC event

We will be fully present at the Mobile World Congress – 4YFN event taking place from June 28 to July 1.

In particular, the Qilimanjaro team will participate in the following workshops:

  • June 29: workshop “From Lab To Market: Showcasing Three Deep Tech Startups” . Victor Canivell will be together with Esther Alza from Treellum Technologies and Ezequiel Mas from Nostrum Biodiscovery. Find more info here.
  • June 30: Barcelona Deep Tech Hub Workshop with Rosario S Muñoz from Amazon Web Services and Cristina Areste from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. More info here.
  • July 1: “From Bits to Qubits: Opportunities of Unprecedented Computing Power” Artur Garcia together with Sergio Gago, Carlos Abellán and Denise Ruffner. More info here.

Don’t miss them!

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